What These Running Dads Do To Stay Motivated

What These Running Dads Do To Stay Motivated

June 09, 2017

We tip our hats and visors to all of the running dads who work hard to set a positive example through health and physical fitness. These dads have become experts at aligning positive words with positive actions to help motivate family, friends, and anyone else who might be in need of extra encouragement. Get four key bits of wisdom from a few superhero dads on how to stay motivated and engaged as you train.

  • Focus on the now. "If you are distracted by the world, you are doing yourself a great disservice. Only by fully being in the moment can you appreciate it and maximize its potential," says Matthew Orlando in his blog at therunnerdad.com. Orlando is a father of two young boys, and firmly believes that every dad can be a superhero to their kids by setting a positive example through exercise.
  • Pull out the positives. Jeremy Sanders is a running coach, blogger at runningdad.com, and father who reminds himself and his readers about why it's important to pull out the positives after a less than stellar run. "Don’t let a bad race get you down. The last thing you need when training is self-doubt," he says in one of his recent posts. "Put your day into perspective and push it out of your mind in order to stay motivated and move on."
  • Be accountable. "Set running dates with family members, friends, or a coach," advises running dad and half marathon finisher Steve Hall. "When you are going to be held accountable for being at a certain place at a specific time, you will be much less likely to skip out," he adds. Besides, you may find yourself thoroughly enjoying the conversation and camaraderie.
  • Set realistic goals. As a father and triathlete, Matt LeLievre speaks to the importance of setting realistic goals. "It will be much harder to stay motivated if you have unrealistic expectations of yourself and set goals that are too ambitious," he says. "Set achievable distance and time goals, so that you can start building feelings of accomplishment and empowerment."

Keep these motivational running tips in mind, and you just might surprise yourself by the number of runs you get done this year. Stay in the present, find the positives, be accountable, and set realistic goals -- from there, all you have to do is put on your superhero dad cape and conquer the world.

Debbie Hanson is an award-winning freelance writer, blogger, and runner based in Estero, Florida. Her publishing credits include several outdoor-related web sites and magazines including USA Today. In addition to multiple 5K running events, she has completed the First Watch Sarasota Half Marathon, Naples Daily News Half Marathon, and looks forward to tackling her first full marathon within the next two years.

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